Outdoor Media Advertising

Onfire has partnered with industry leading outdoor advertising companies.

We offer the below services:

  • Billboards: We have a vast number of billboards that are strategically placed nationwide.

  • Transit Advertising: Ads displayed on buses, trains, taxis, subway stations, airports, and other forms of public transportation. Transit advertising targets commuters and travelers and can include interior and exterior displays, as well as wrapped vehicles.

  • Taxi rank and township advertising: Digital and static screens as well billboards. The SA taxi industry services 18 million commuters.

  • Large format wraps: Unique and engaging outdoor structures that serve to inform and entertain the audience. Illuminated super structures offer 24 hour exposure.

  • Street Furniture: Ads placed on street furniture such as bus shelters, benches, kiosks, newsstands, and trash cans. Street furniture advertising offers exposure in urban environments and pedestrian-heavy areas.

  • Digital Screens: Digital screens or electronic billboards that display dynamic content and messaging. Digital outdoor media allows for real-time updates, animations, and targeted advertising based on factors such as time of day or weather conditions.

  • Posters and Postings: Posters, flyers, and other printed materials posted on walls, fences, construction sites, and other public spaces. These displays are often used for temporary or guerilla marketing campaigns.

  • Mobile Billboards: Truck-mounted or trailer-mounted billboards that travel throughout a designated area to reach specific target audiences. Mobile billboards can be highly effective for targeting events, festivals, or specific neighborhoods.